Our methods for data collection

Our qualitative and quantitative methods ensure reliable data gathering about any desired topic or target group. The specific method we choose is based on what is best for the unique situation, always scientifically proven, fair to the respondents and sustainable for the industry.

Online surveys

Access our vast network of over 4 million pre-profiled, motivated consumers across 19 European countries, all ready for your preferred research approach. In our experience, insight seekers value quality and speed. Our modern data collection methods ensure speed and efficiency, while robust quality assurance safeguards trustworthy data. Expect expertise, speed and flexibility specific to your goal. 

You can trust that we have the essential tools and support to facilitate your successful, data-driven quantitative research.

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Recruitment for qualitative research

We offer B2B and B2C recruitment as a method to support qualitative research approaches, including focus groups, product tests, and interviews conducted via telephone or face-to-face interactions. We understand that the effectiveness of your research depends on having the right participants, and we take the responsibility of recruiting them seriously.

Online or offline approaches for recruitment

Depending on the qualitative research you wish to perform, we recruit the candidates through our online panels or by offline methods. This is to ensure they meet the criteria and attend the session at the arranged time. Whether you need to gain insights through group discussions or one-on-one interviews, our recruitment methods are tailored to make your qualitative research efficient. So that you can reach your research goal.

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Focus groups and venues

Make your research easier by letting us handle the details of your focus groups. We understand how important it is to get deep insights and have meaningful talks with the right audience. Our recruitment covers everything, making sure your focus groups include people who exactly fit your needs. This will save you time and effort. Whether you’re studying how people behave, what’s happening in the market, or what your audience thinks, our experienced team will help you put together the perfect group for your research.

State-of-the-art venues for focus groups in Europe

Improve your research experience with our modern focus group venues all across Europe. These spots are carefully designed to be professional and comfortable for your research discussions. They come with the latest technology and useful things to make your in-depth talks, product tests, and other research activities go smoothly. We have these venues in strategic places in selected locations across Europe.

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Personal interviews

Our personal interviews offer a deeper understanding of consumer behaviour. They can take place in various settings, including the street, shopping centres, homes, workplaces, or in groups within specialised testing facilities. These interviews are conducted by our team of expert interviewers, ensuring a high level of professionalism and insight. To further enhance the quality of our services, we consistently train our interviewers and maintain a broad network of cooperating partners, such as shopping malls, to guarantee comprehensive geographical coverage for your projects.

Professionally trained interviewers for quality

We are proud to boast a network of interviewers across Europe, enabling efficient data collection. This resource allows us to meet and exceed your fieldwork requirements, ensuring that your research projects benefit from the best possible data and geographic reach.

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Telephone interviews (CATI)

With Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), we enable you to draw and interview random samples within the population of European countries.
  • Our highly experienced CATI interviewing teams are well-equipped for interviewing both consumers and B2B target groups.
  • State-of-the-art IT infrastructure enables efficient interviewing.
  • In order to ensure consistent data quality, we continuously train our interviewers and perform ongoing supervision and quality management procedures.
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Mystery shopping

With mystery shopping, you can see your business through your customers’ eyes and make informed choices to enhance their experiences. Our undercover shoppers visit shops, restaurants, and other locations without revealing their identity to evaluate how customers are treated. We assess service quality, employee behaviour and other factors you would like to explore. The valuable data we gather can help you enhance your operations and improve customer satisfaction.

The visit or contact is performed undercover by our trained mystery shoppers in order to get a view of the true customer experience.

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We’re keen on becoming part of your success story. Reach out to us today.

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