Brand Performance

In a landscape where the role of brands is evolving, we use a blend of insight, sector knowledge and analytics to inform decision making, spark ideas and allow our clients to walk in the shoes of consumers.

Norstat specialises in high-quality data collection for brand performance. Our quantitative and qualitative research methods ensure reliable data gathering about any desired topic or target group, allowing you to test creatives, track your brand, and understand your audience better.

Why measure brand performance

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.”

Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media

Brand performance measurement can tell you if your brand strategy is working. Whether you are launching a new product or reassessing your brand positioning, evaluating brand performance can help predict market success and optimise brand strategies by providing insights into brand strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact on consumer perception and purchase intent.

Understanding your market with data

We’ve been measuring consumer attitudes and preferences for decades. And we’ve learned a thing or two about collecting and delivering high-quality data to help businesses make the right decisions. These are some of the key metrics we specialise in measuring:

  • Brand awareness
  • Brand loyalty
  • Buyer intent
  • Net promoter score (NPS)*
  • Brand tracking
  • Ad Performance

We work closely with brands and their agencies to bring together complex metrics, revealing clear patterns in consumer behaviour. Our high-quality data ensures you have the insights you need to understand consumer behaviour in an ever-changing world.

*Note: NPS, Net Promoter & Net Promoter Score are registered trademarks of Satmetrix

Using our online panel

The Norstat panel has over 4 million respondents across 19 European countries, making it easy to survey people in your target market. Using profiling and screener questions, we can reach people based on characteristics such as:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, income, education, location
  • Media consumption: Usage and time spent on various media
  • Advertising exposure: Exposed vs. non-exposed to advertising
  • Brand and product usage: Users vs. non-users
  • Purchase intent: Likelihood to buy
  • Behavioural segmentation: Lifestyle, interests, purchasing, attitudes, values

High-quality data

The accuracy, reliability, and relevance of data define its quality in market research. For us, a leading data collector for high-quality market research and insight in Europe, everything relies on the representativeness, truthfulness, and capacity of our panels. We apply screeners to match target demographics, consistent survey administration to avoid bias, and rigorous data validation processes to maintain integrity. Our clients back up our claims for panel quality, scoring us:

  • 5.1/6 for panel quality
  • 5.3/6 on the ability to deliver
  • 5.3/6 on client satisfaction
  • 49 net promoter score

 Read more about our extensive data quality practices here.

Data delivery tailored to brand performance

Norstat supplies the data you require in a format of your choosing, ready for your crucial analysis and decision-making:

  • Sample only: We send genuine, verified panellists to a survey hosted by you
  • Raw data: Exported to Excel, CSV, or other formats
  • Data tables: Custom Excel crosstabs made to your specifications
  • Open verbatim: Provided in Excel and coded to your requirements
  • Norstat Dashboards: Sophisticated data visualisation to highlight trends and themes; easily share with your team or export to PowerPoint

Contact Norstat today

Start using high-quality data to understand your market. Contact Norstat now.

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Get all your brand data collected in one place, visualized and easier to draw conclusions from. We will gladly help you get started.

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