Norstat, one of the leading data collectors for market research in Northern Europe, is today announcing its sustainability strategy and policy.
The strategy outlines key initiatives within Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) KPIs and reporting, training, and a formalised Code of Conduct for all Norstat employees that will further strengthen the sustainable value creation across the company. Norstat is working to define and describe the specific targets and associated metrics across the strategy to transparently measure and report its progress in its key areas. As such, the updated strategy underlines Norstat’s internal sustainability processes while also strengthening the company’s work in supporting a society where decisions are based on trustworthy and accurate data.
Following a thorough materiality analysis, ensuring that our priorities are aligned with our stakeholders, Norstat has identified the following five key areas where its sustainable impact will be the greatest:
These areas will serve as the foundation for Norstat’s sustainable value creation and will contribute to the company’s efforts in aligning with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. The company’s primary contribution corresponds to goal 5: Equal opportunity, 8: Decent work and Economic growth, 12: Responsible consumption and production, 13: Climate action, and 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.
Business has a key role to play in helping build a more sustainable world, and the job starts by acting responsibly. Using fair and transparent methods for collecting data, Norstat supports a society where decisions are based on trustworthy data. As part of the next step in our responsible business practice, we today announce Norstat’s new ESG strategy which aligns with the UN SDGs to maximize sustainable value creation.
Says Graciella Garmann, Chief Commercial Officer and Sustainability lead of Norstat.
Graciella Garmann, Chief Commercial Officer
+47 406 39 944
Norstat delivers high quality data and services. This, in combination with responsible conduct and ethical behaviour, have created our reputation of being not only quality oriented but also a trustworthy business partner.