Sustainability policy

Norstat delivers high quality data and services. This, in combination with responsible conduct and ethical behaviour, have created our reputation of being not only quality oriented but also a trustworthy business partner.

Norstat continues the journey to enhance our work with sustainability and to optimize our value creation. We have identified our key sustainable impact areas through communications and validations from several stakeholder groups. Through these areas, we are able to focus our efforts towards where the potential impacts are greatest. The following four overarching pillars are identified as the foundation to our sustainable value creation:

  • Protecting the privacy of our respondents
  • Delivering superior quality data
  • Leading technology, precise experts and trusted relationships
  • Supporting our people to grow
  • Minimizing our environmental impact

These, in turn, contribute to our efforts in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. Norstat primary contribution corresponds to goal 5: Equal opportunity, 8: Decent work and Economic growth, 12: Responsible consumption and production, 13: Climate action, and 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions.

Protecting the privacy of our respondents

Information security is of the highest importance to Norstat and fundamental to our core operations. The personal data of our respondents are highly sensitive. Therefore, the protection of such data strictly adhere to privacy regulations and the comprehensive rights of those whose data is collected and processed. Personal data shall never be disclosed to or used by anyone without Norstat’s authorization or to what respondents have given their permission to.

Everyone associated with Norstat must comply with all applicable data privacy and information security laws and regulations.

Delivering superior quality data

Norstat works towards a society where every single action, call and decision is based on reliable quality data. This is the foundation to our operations and our belief that an enlightened society makes the world better.

We support societies by providing quality data and insights to analyze trends, behaviors, and opinions. Followingly, our research contribute to effective and strong institutions through enabling people to voice their opinions on critical public matters.

Leading technology, precise experts, and trusted relationships

The trustworthiness of NORSTAT perceived by our customers, business partners, and respondents are material to our business. Through advanced technology, competent personnel and high standards of integrity, honesty and transparency, Norstat is committed to remain a trustworthy business partner to all our associated stakeholders.

Supporting our people to grow

At Norstat, we offer opportunities through various flexible working engagements to our full- or part-time employees as well as to young people and individuals currently outside of the labor market. We strive to conduct our operations in a way that lets progress and personal development thrive for all our people.

Our ambition is to enhance a culture of diversity and inclusion and to support the performance and competence development of our employees. We attempt this by providing equal opportunities for development and striving for gender balance in nominations, and succession planning.

Furthermore, Norstat is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of all our employee by offering a safe and healthy work environment. As a part of this commitment, we support and comply to international laws and regulation concerning human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. This includes UN Global Compact’s Ten Principals and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) and codified in the conventions of the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO).

Minimizing our environmental impact

Norstat is committed to comply with all applicable environmental laws and legal requirements. We will act in accordance with global operating standards and other relevant environmental constraints.

For Norstat, identifying and addressing our own impact on the environment is an important part of the internal work on sustainability. Our decisions are guided by the precautionary principle to ensure long term value and responsibility in our day-to-day activities. This includes improvement of our procedures and services to ensure that these are conducted and delivered with environmental considerations.

All Norstat offices shall strive to choose solutions that do not cause undue harm to the environment, including responsible waste management and choosing energy-efficient solutions to prevent over-consumption of electricity. We also aim to reduce electronic waste through our circularity programs.


This Sustainability Policy serves as the guiding framework for our sustainability work. If any misconduct or questions should arise, Norstat encourages reaching out to our Quality Manager.

Contact person: Tone Belsvik, Quality Manager
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +47 936690887